The Hummingbird

Totem for A New Decade

The 20’s were an amazing time, where I was able to explore most of life’s truest experiences. I have loved, I have laughed, I have cried, I have lost, and most importantly I have failed and learned to rise from it and live another day. I often call it my phoenix period as the 20’s brought about apocalyptic destruction of some long standing personal “institutions” and the rise of some personal “ruins” to unfathomable heights.

These pasts few months I have challenged myself to do a number of things in honor of my 30th Birthday. First, I would complete 30 acts of random kindness. 30 things that I would do for the people I love, just to show them that the world still has a little bit of heart and magic in it. I accomplished this task and well exceeded it. Second, I would lose 30lbs by my 30th, to show myself that if you take care of your body, your body will take care of you. I accomplished this task and well exceeded it.(Thank you to me team and accountability partner). Lastly, I said I would spend at least 30 minutes of my day each day giving thanks for my blessings and enjoying what I do have instead of what I don’t have or lost. In doing this I would honor my creator and his plan above my own.

I thought that by doing these things I would heal my heart, body, and soul and be able to walk care-freely into my next decade. It would help me accomplish my largest goal of the decade, which is to better see the signs and listen to the whispers of the universe, so I don’t have to be what I like to call “God-smacked” into my destiny.

Last night I saw my first sign. As I celebrated my milestone 30th on the 30th, the drink of choice for most of the guest of my surprise dinner was called the Hummingbird. The hummingbird spirit animal symbolizes the enjoyment of life and lightness of being. Those who have the hummingbird as a totem are invited to enjoy the sweetness of life, lift up negativity wherever it creeps in and express love more fully in their daily endeavors. This fascinating bird is capable of the most amazing feats despite its small size, such as traveling great distances or being able to fly backwards. By affinity with the hummingbird, those who have this bird as totem may be encouraged to develop their adaptability and resiliency while keeping a playful and optimistic outlook. It’s only natural that this animal carry me into the next decade of my life.

So that you too may begin this day in better spirits (see what I did there), knowing that I appreciate all that you have done for me and all that you didn’t do to me, I present for your imbibing pleasure, the first Drink Du Nuit of my 30’s, the Hummingbird.


2 ounces Cava or brut Champagne or dry sparkling wine
1 1/2 ounces St-Germain
2 ounces club soda or sparkling water
fresh raspberries, for garnish

GLASSWARE: Collins Class

Stir ingredients in a tall Collins glass, mixing completely.



Drink Well and Remember:  I thank and appreciate each and every roll you have played in my life.

” Sometimes we must thank the Lord for what he didn’t do, not just for what he has done.”

The Hummingbird
  • 2 ounces Cava or brut Champagne or dry sparkling wine
  • 1½ ounces St-Germain
  • 2 ounces club soda or sparkling water
  • Ice
  • fresh raspberries, for garnish
  1. Stir ingredients in a tall Collins glass, mixing completely.

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