A tip for the ladies – One of the most intimate seductions I ever experienced was when a lover washed my hair. Straddling me, I became submissive to her commands and totally entranced by the rhythm of her massage. My breathes became slow and synchronized to her touch. As my eyes closed; the hairs on my neck raised as her bosom gently brushed across my face. As I opened my eyes, I felt both dominated and cared for at the same time. She had occupied a new space and rose to a new level of sexy without even trying.“Among men, sex sometimes results in intimacy; among women, intimacy sometimes results in sex.”― Barbara Cartland
I realized that no one other than me has ever really washed my hair (I am more selective than most black women about when, how, and who can touch my hair). It was erotic, it was seductive, and it was one of the most endearing moments of intimacy I had ever experienced. In honor of that moment, I present for your imbibing pleasure, the Drink du Nuit: The Seduction
* created by Cory Cuff of the Four Seasons Hotel
2 oz Knob Creek Rye Whiskey
1 oz Pinot Noir
1/2 oz Mathilde Cassis liqueur
1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
Lemon peel
Glassware: Low-ball
Combine ingredients except the lemon peel in a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously, Pour and add lemon peel ( lightly burn for an added enhancement)
DRINK WELL and Remember:
“Spread your courtesy across the door posts of everyone you know, but reserve your intimacy with the little trustworthy friends who are going where you are going. Get it simply: wide courtesy, narrow intimacy!”
― Israelmore Ayivor
- 2 oz Knob Creek Rye Whiskey
- 1 oz Pinot Noir
- ½ oz Mathilde Cassis liqueur
- ½ oz fresh lemon juice
- Ice
- Lemon peel
- Combine ingredients except the lemon peel in a cocktail shaker with ice.
- Shake vigorously
- Pour and add lemon peel ( lightly burn for an added enhancement)
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